About qshape

Qshape makes holidays beautiful.

We are Ingo, Kristina and Ingo again. We have worked together for many years in the field of software development. But we are also hosts with our own holiday flat, travellers in a camper, hiking guides – we simply like to be on the road. That’s how we know: many things on holiday could be so simple. Qshape makes holidays beautiful and simple.

Our supporters

We would like to thank the Sächsische Aufbaubank and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for their support.

Would you like to join us?

Are you communicative, do you speak several languages and do you like to travel? Then apply as a scout and create helpful Guides for our customers!

We look forward to receiving your e-mail at jobs@qshape.com.

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Am I a good host?

Letting holiday homes and flats can be a lot of fun and really worthwhile. But of course it also has its pitfalls. Read our newsletter to find out what you should look out for and receive valuable tips and information on the subject of holiday rentals.