Choose a cost plan
Products and prices
Use all the important basic functions of qshape in the affordable starter product.
One month free of charge
Can be cancelled monthly
Translations ?
no translations
Free Q-Shapes ?
You will receive our free starter kit with all Q-Shapes as stickers and also as high-quality prints.
Support ?
If you have any questions or problems, you are sure to find the answers in our FAQ.
Make full use of qshape and translate into up to two languages.
One month free of charge
Can be cancelled monthly
Translations ?
use up to two languages and translate automatically
Free Q-Shapes ?
You will receive our free starter kit with all Q-Shapes as stickers and also as high-quality prints.
Support ?
You will receive qualified help with the realisation of your ideas by e-mail.
Unlimited use of qshape and personalised support.
One month free of charge
Can be cancelled monthly
Translations ?
Use all supported languages and translate automatically
Free Q-Shapes ?
You will regularly receive our Q-Shapes of your choice free of charge as stickers and also as high-quality prints.
Support ?
We can help you design and create your guides directly over the phone or in a video call.

Your Q-Shapes
Q-Shapes are available so that your guests receive the answer to their questions quickly. Each Q-Shape contains a code that your guests can scan with their smartphone camera and receive a direct answer to their question.
**The Q-Shapes are available as practical stickers and high-quality printing for the Economy and Premium products as a starter kit from us free of charge. As a Premium customer, you can regularly reorder your Q-Shapes free of charge. Of course, you can also design and print the Q-Shapes yourself at any time using our editorial system.
Speak the language of your guests
You can make your Q-Shapes and guides available in many languages. You can save a lot of time with our AI-based translation. Up to two additional languages are possible in the Economy product. In our Premium product, you can add all available languages.
Don’t worry – we can help you!
Our FAQ will certainly help you with any questions or problems. As an Economy customer, you will also receive qualified support by email. As a Premium customer, we will also help you realise your ideas and create your guides directly by phone or in a video call.
Customised solutions and offers
Contact our sales team
If you manage many properties, would like to have your guide created by our scouts or have individual requirements, then we look forward to talking to you. We look forward to hearing how you would like to use qshape.
Content Creation Service
We know what guests should experience
We would be happy to help you create your guide. There are two options:
- You send us your questions and a few key points, notes and photos. We research, write, translate and then put everything together to create a great guide.
- We come to you and look at your accommodation through the eyes of your guests. Then we ask you questions and create the individual guides completely for you – including photos and video instructions. It couldn’t be easier!
Who will create my guide?